25 Vintage Burger King Photos That Are Flame-Grilled to Perfection

Vintage Burger King Photos

r/Djf47021/via Reddit.com / r/CincoDeMayoFan via Reddit.com

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Vintage Burger King Photos
r/Djf47021/via Reddit.com / r/CincoDeMayoFan via Reddit.com

Hail to the King

Burger King opened its first location in 1953, which means the company has given us seven decades of memories at this point. Whether you remember the time when the restaurants looked like drive-ins instead of drive-thrus or you had your 8th birthday party there in 1996, these vintage Burger King photos are bound to bring up some seriously nostalgic feelings.

Vintage burger king photo reddit
u/CincoDeMayoFan/via Reddit.com

1. 18 Cents!

While those cars and the drive-in feel in this retro photo are outstanding, we're agog at the price on the sign — and that creepy looking mascot on top of it.

Vintage burger king photo crown reddit
u/Djf47021/via Reddit.com

2. Food Court Feast

These kids are sitting down to a veritable BK fest in a mall food court. Those paper crowns were the height of 8-year-old fashion (and, hopefully, the other kid eventually got a better haircut). 

Burger King headphones 1983 radio shack reddit
u/AxlCobainVedder/via Reddit.com

3. AM Radio

In 1983, Radio Shack made this AM radio with burger-shaped headphones for Burger King. Too bad it wasn't a ham(burger) radio. 

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Burger king kids club cartoon promo vintage reddit 90s
u/OmicronGR/via Reddit.com

4. Cool Kids

From 1990 to 1999, Burger King had a Kid's Club, where kids who signed up would get a membership card, a free meal on their birthday, and presumably plenty of ads mailed to their house. These super cool cartoon kids with names like Kid Vid and Jaws were used on all kinds of marketing.

Burger King counter 1984 vintage photo reddit
u/Djf47021/via Reddit.com

5. Have It Your Way

This photo is from 1984, according to the Redditor who posted it. Check out those uniforms — including a visor! — and those massive, state-of-the-art cash registers. 

Vintage burger king photo reddit
u/CincoDeMayoFan/via Reddit.com

6. Drive-In Delight

At least the King mascot is looking less scary in this old color photo. Who else thinks BK should bring back this vintage look for new restaurants?

Vintage burger king dinner baskets ad reddit
u/Djf47021/via Reddit.com

7. Fine Dining

In the early 1990s, BK started experimenting with more "upscale" dining. Dinner baskets were on the menu, and employees would bring them out to your table in the evening, similar to a sit-down restaurant. Clearly, the chain went back to its fast-food roots in short order.

Burger King Internet Cafe
Peter Kaminski

8. Cutting Edge

Leave it to Manhattan's Burger King location for pulling out all the technological stops. In 1998, customers got free internet access with their meals, something new and unusual at the time. 

Burger King vintage 1984 photo reddit
u/Djf47021/via Reddit.com

9. Teaching Moment

Check out that Farrah Fawcett-style hair in this 1984 photo. His style is a little more, well, unfortunate. 

Burger King pizza burger vintage ad reddit
u/ILovePublicLibraries/via Reddit.com

10. 2,500-calorie Mash Up

What do you get when you cross a pizza and a burger? BK's Pizza Burger, of course. (You'd think they could come up with a catchier name, like Whopper of a Pizza or something.) This weird, sharable burger thing came in at 2,500 calories, but it was only offered at one New York City location. It's probably best that it's long gone.

Burger king disney collectible glasses vintage reddit
u/nyguy2452/via Reddit.com
Burger king interior vintage photo 90s reddit
u/Djf47021/via Reddit.com

12. Time Capsule

The teal! The purple shapes! The glass block partition! This is about as painfully '90s as a fast-food restaurant can get.

Vintage burger king photo reddit
u/CincoDeMayoFan/via Reddit.com

13. Tailfins Galore

We can't help but think this vintage BK looks either like an old McDonald's or a car dealership with an exterior of all windows. We adore the playful "Whopper" font on both signs, though.

Valdez Alaska vintage burger king photo 1989 reddit
u/johnnylgarfield/via Reddit.com

14. 'A Burger King Express in Valdez, Alaska, in 1989'

According to the Redditor who posted this photo, it's a BK location in Alaska in the late 1980s. If you look closely, you'll notice it's actually a truck. Maybe the company was way ahead of the food truck trend.

Vintage burger king photo reddit 90s
u/Djf47021/via Reddit.com

15. Fancy Pants

Plastic mauve tablecloths and shoulderpads as big as your hairdo are the epitome of style in this 1990s-era photo of the short-lived table service experiment. 

Burger King 1970s vintage car reddit
u/FoamyJr/via Reddit.com

16. '50 Shades of Orange, That's How You Know It's the '70's'

We couldn't possibly make a more 1970s photo if we tried. "They should go back to this style," said one Redditor. "I dig it."

Vintage burger king photo reddit
u/CincoDeMayoFan/via Reddit.com

17. Insta-Burger and Poodle Skirts

When BK opened in Florida in 1953, it was known as Insta-Burger King because the equipment for cooking the burgers was called the Insta-Broiler. 

Burger king croissanwich breakfast ad vintage reddit
u/AxlCobainVedder/via Reddit.com

18. 1985 Tray Liner

Somehow, whenever you get a Croissan'wich now, it's always smushed, unlike these breakfast beauties. 

Burger king menu 90s vintage photo reddit
u/Djf47021/via Reddit.com

19. Drive-Thru Menu

This menu board from the '90s is making us weep for current prices. A Whopper meal was less than $4, and a 99-cent menu still existed with 5-piece chicken tenders, jalapeno poppers, and a small shake.

Burger King whopper ad 1960s vintage reddit
u/brolbo/via Reddit.com

20. 'It's a Meal-in-Itself!'

People still needed to learn what the Whopper was in the 1960s. At least that's what this ad implies. We love the "catsup" and the fact that they're only 39 cents!

Vintage Burger King photo reddit 90s
u/Djf47021/via Reddit.com

21. Date Night

This candid photo oozes so much 1990s energy. Someone should have made it an album cover.

Burger King cinna minis vintage photo breakfast reddit
u/TurdyPound/via Reddit.com

22. Ideal Breakfast

One of Burger King's best discontinued breakfast items were the Cini-Minis. They were teeny cinnamon rolls that came with icing dipping cups. Whose bright idea was it to axe them?

Burger king salad bar ad vintage reddit
u/AxlCobainVedder/via Reddit.com

23. Salad Bar

Yes, Burger King had a short-lived salad bar, but it wasn't nearly as good as Wendy's Super Bar. None of the food shown in this 1983 ad seems like you'd get it from BK.

Vintage mall burger king location reddit
u/cigar_dude/via Reddit.com

24. 'These Old Mall Burger King Restaurants Hit Differently'

"... And the food tasted better," according to one Redditor. Not sure about that claim, but we do know that the stained glass sign and faux brick walls are giving us all the nostalgic feelings.

Burger king vintage toys reddit
u/Otherwise_Basis_6328/via Reddit.com

25. At Garage Sales Everywhere

Are these Burger King food toys unlocking any core memories for you? We're guessing there's one or two in your parents' basement.