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Easy Ways to Stay Fit

Exercise can keep seniors healthy, active, and enjoying life — which is all the more important during the high-stress days of a pandemic. Older adults who are physically active have lower rates of mortality from all sorts of diseases and exercise is an effective management tool for those with arthritis, hypertension, and even dementia. The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes per week of at least moderate intensity activity for adults 65 and older, and muscle-strengthening exercises at least twice a week. In addition, the Office of Disease Prevention suggests that older people, who are in danger of suffering from falls — a leading cause of injury and death — should add some sort of balance training to the mix. Here are 20 essential exercises that can keep seniors on their toes. 

Related: 14 Weight-Loss Tips for Seniors

Pollyana Ventura/istockphoto


Everybody knows how to do it, and it requires no special equipment save comfortable shoes. Taking a brisk walk 30 minutes a day meets health guidelines and has innumerable benefits, such as maintaining muscle mass, joint support, stopping the loss of bone mass, and increasing mental sharpness. Plus, it's fun, it feels good, and it will keep you heart-healthy.   

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Flexibility is key to performing the activities of daily living that make independence a possibility, and is a must for preventing falls; and stretching is the key to flexibility. (It's also important to stretch after any impact and aerobic exercises that might put strain on muscles or joints.) Until you can attend stretch classes at fitness centers and senior centers, it's possible to find online videos, tips, and examples geared to seniors.



Seniors who have access to a pool, whether at home or, when allowed, at a fitness center, have it good: Swimming is great exercise. It is aerobic, so it contributes to heart health, and having water buoy body weight makes for less stress on the joints than other cardiovascular workouts might. Some studies have shown that swimming is good prevention for falls, because it builds core and leg muscles and promotes stability. 

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Core Training

The torso, or core, holds up the spine, so strength in the core is vital for any kind of movement, for spinal health, coordination, and stability. Ab crunches as core training? They are a decidedly bad idea, several experts say. There are plenty of other exercises to do as a substitute, many of which use only a chair — so they're convenient and can be done at any time. 

Related: The Biggest Exercise Mistakes You Can Make After Age 50


Chair Exercises

Older adults with mobility issues or chronic conditions may not be able to meet recommended activity guidelines, but doing something is better than doing nothing. Depending on the advice of a health care provider, seniors should do as much as they can. It is also recommended that older adults who have been inactive for some time should begin their exercise regimen slowly, with care, and under the supervision of a health care provider so they can work within their limitations. Seniors with reduced mobility can take advantage of doing exercise routines in a chair to increase flexibility, many of which can be found online. 

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Resistance Bands

Strength training is important to keep muscles and bones strong, and resistance bands work muscle groups without the strain of using weights. Bands are cheap and portable, allow exercises to be done seated or standing, and adjust to seniors' capacity, so they can work slowly up to more resistance. 


Water Workouts

Resistance exercises with weights can put pressure on the joints when done on land; doing them in the water, weight-free, is better for some people. The water itself acts as resistance, and its buoyancy reduces stress on the joints. Classic weight room exercises such as the fly, leg raises, and biceps curls are easier in the water but have equal benefit, mobility experts say. You can also use a pool noodle for aerobic exercises such as flutter kicking, marching, and even jogging give the heart rate a boost without risk of pain or injury.


Aerobics Classes

The aerobics classes of our youth may have been intense and full of leg warmers and tiny leotards, but it's now possible to find a multitude of free online classes meant specifically for older adults where there's less jumping around like Mick Jagger but the same benefits. Aerobics lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and raise energy and mood levels. 



Manufacturers are making biking more accessible for seniors, with step-through models that have no cross-bar, tricycles, and electrically assisted versions. Biking is low-impact exercise that raises heart rate and has many other health benefits. There are many cycling groups across the country that offer a community of cyclists to join and ride with. 

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Strength Training

Strength training helps you perform everyday activities with more ease, but particularly benefits people with osteoarthritis. Those who are at a low level of fitness can exercise using body weight; the slightly more fit can use light hand weights or water bottles to give resistance. Many seniors meet strength-training recommendations in online videos or workout DVDs.



Strong legs mean being able to get up after a fall, and hip flexibility is one of the preventers of hip replacement surgery. Squats keep the quadriceps strong, making it easy to rise from chairs and get into and out of a car. They can be modified for people with bad knees and those who don't have a huge range of motion by doing them against a wall or using a chair.



Medical professionals suggest lunges as an exercise fit for every skill level, particularly for older adults, because they stretch the hip flexors, enhance core strength, and use body weight to strengthen the legs. Those who are just starting, have balance issues, or are less fit can do modified lunges using a chair for stability.


Wall Push-Ups

Arm, shoulder, and upper back strength is increased by doing push-ups, but for many seniors, traditional push ups are close to impossible to do. Wall push-ups offer the same benefits to those without a lot of upper body strength, who have issues with their lower spine, or who are reluctant to do exercises on the floor.


Shoulder Help

Rotator cuff tears are common among older adults — they affect up to 80% of people over 80. While physical therapy will help with healing after the fact, building up the muscles beforehand with stretching and strengthening can help avoid them.


Balance Training

Balancing exercises are essential to stay nimble as you age and to reduce the risk of a fall. The U.S. Office of Disease Prevention recommends doing them at least three days a week. Simple exercises include walking backward, walking sideways, heel-to-toe walking (as if on a tightrope), as well as raising one leg while standing, holding onto a chair if necessary.


Hatha Yoga

As an all-around great exercise, it's hard to beat yoga. Hatha yoga, the most common form, is relatively low-impact and can be done by people at all skill levels. Doing yoga regularly increases flexibility, strength, and balance. It's good for the joints and incorporates weight-bearing poses to build strength gently. Online classes can be found on YouTube.

Related: Feeling Anxious? Try This Calming Yoga Sequence


Gentle Yoga

Many online classes and yoga studios offer something called gentle yoga, which is meant for people with physical limitations of some kind. The movements are slower, which some yoga teachers say nurtures the joints and connective tissue. Generally, these classes offer more individual assistance geared to students' limitations, but you can also contact online teachers with questions, too.


Chair Yoga

People who can't lie on the floor in traditional yoga poses or prefer not to can do a more non-traditional practice in a chair. Assisted-living facilities often offer classes and some classes can be found for free on YouTube, as it has many benefits for people with mobility issues and other physical conditions, including relieving many kinds of pain and strengthening muscles and joints. It's great for people in wheelchairs.


Tai Chi

Tai chi is a slow-moving, very low-impact martial art from China that is safe for people of all ages. Evidence from studies by the American Geriatrics Society suggests practicing tai chi greatly reduces the risk of falling, and can cut the incidence of injury from falls by half. Even following a short video can help seniors achieve better balance and strength.



It's similar to yoga because it's low-impact and concentrates on the control and centering of the body, but Pilates focuses more on strengthening — particularly of abdominal muscles — to improve balance and posture. It's also weight bearing, so it's good for osteoporosis prevention. In a fitness center or dedicated studio, Pilates might use specialized equipment, but it's possible to do it at home as well with a DVD or video showing how to use body weight as resistance.