Purchases Worth the Dough
With a healthy marketing budget, it seems like companies can sell anything these days. Take Dawn’s “Powerwash Spray.” As far as I can tell, the Procter & Gamble-owned company repackaged Dawn Platinum in a spray bottle and gave it a fancy name so that they could sell everyday dish soap for double the price. Here’s where I’m going with this: Apart from a few basics, a lot of products are pure B.S. And if you’re like most budget-conscious consumers, you want to get away from the “Powerwash Sprays” of the world and simplify your life with a few quality purchases. So we cut through the marketing malarkey, crowdsourcing this list of 10 purchases that are worth every cent from Redditors and our readers.
Related: 7 Purchases That Frugal Redditors Say Drastically Improved Their Lives