10 Easy and Creative Cottage Cheese Recipes for a Protein-Packed Punch

Cottage Cheese


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Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese, If You Please

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein. Plus, it's cheap. But the cold and curdled dish isn't for everyone. Even if you don't enjoy dipping your spoon right into a container of cottage cheese, there are tons of ways to add it to standard recipes to enjoy its benefits. Here are some of our favorites!

Spinach quiche, gluten free

Cottage Cheese Quiche with Spinach

If you're into quiche because of the fluffy, flavorful egg center and you can do without the crust, this recipe brings cottage cheese to the party and kicks crust to the side for a protein-packed, low-carb breakfast.

Recipe: Amee's Savory Dish

Freshly baked pav (Indian dinner rolls)
Manjiri Gujar/istockphoto

Quick Cottage Cheese Rolls

Baking homemade bread is an art. And it's an art that requires a lot of waiting. If you're low on time, try this yeast-free roll recipe made with cottage cheese and a slew of baking staples.

Recipe: Chocolate & Chillies

Peanut butter bottle
Baking cookies
White Toast

Cottage Cheese Toast

Like avocado toast, cottage cheese toast offers a laundry list of iterations — and it's a simple way to get some protein for breakfast without spending a ton of time in the kitchen. This rendition of cottage cheese includes pizza sauce, hot honey, and sun-dried tomato, perfect for a midday snack.

Recipe: Hungry Girl

Related: 11 Cheap and Healthy Breakfast Combinations

One Pot Chicken Alfredo Pasta Directly Above Photo

Cottage Cheese Alfredo Pasta

Cottage cheese makes sense with pasta. You can use it in place of ricotta in lasagna, or you can use it to make a protein-forward alfredo sauce. 

Recipe: Skinny Fitalicious

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Chocolate ice cream scoop ball serving ice-cream macro close-up

Cottage Cheese Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Did you know you can make ice cream with a cottage cheese base? Just add some cocoa powder, maple syrup, powdered nut butter, and banana to your blender with some cottage cheese. Blend it up and freeze it for an hour and there you have it.

Recipe: Sweet Savory and Steph

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Buffalo Chicken Dip

If you're looking for a healthier version of buffalo chicken dip that doesn't use cream cheese, this recipe subs the ingredient for greek yogurt and cottage cheese.

Recipe: The Almond Eater


Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Cottage cheese takes the place of milk in this pancake recipe and we're daydreaming about the texture this must deliver.

Recipe: Momsdish

Focus on Scrambled Eggs on a White Plate with a Fork on a Bright Yellow Napkin
Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH/shutterstock

Scrambled Eggs with Cottage Cheese

If you want creamier, fluffier, tangier eggs with some added protein, whip them up with some cottage cheese. YUM.

Recipe: The Worktop