Kris Scott

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Kris Scott

Our Furry 'Co-Workers'

Working from home can either be a welcome change or a challenging exercise in futility, but having a co-worker who walks on four legs is pretty fantastic no matter which of those two groups you fall into. To that end, people across America and beyond sent us adorable pics of their pets "working" from home. From eager-to-please dogs in glasses to cats who are quite obviously over all the constant laptop-staring, get ready for the "awwwwww."

Related: Must Love Dogs: 14 Unexpected Jobs for Animal Lovers

Rebecca Judd

'Is This Even Ergonomic?'

Assistant professor Rebecca Judd says her cat, Harley, "is becoming quite the office assistant. ... Somehow Harley ended up with a broken tail and she can't swish it or control it like other cats. But she has no problem letting us know her mood, even without her tail swishing." Judd notes that Harley would rather "go outside and chase birds instead of record lectures for online classes."

Related: 21 Cats That Don't Shed (or Shed Less)

Michelle Hoffman

'Work is My Security Blanket'

Michelle Hoffman, a child protective services social worker, says her 15-year-old pup Baby has been helping her "soothe clients’ anxiety during sessions," adding: "We tend to cuddle with a blanket together!"

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Bruce Lewis

'I'm a Top Priority'

Pookie, an 8-year-old tortoiseshell kitty, belongs to Bruce Lewis, who says she "decided the best way to get my attention was to put herself on top of the stack in my in-box. It worked," Lewis notes. "She got some chin and head scratches in response." Pookie is "cuddly, outgoing and affectionate," says her owner.

Burkett Carver

'Work Schmerk'

Burkett Carver named his dogs after late golfer Arnold Palmer and his wife, Winnie. The pups, he notes, "do everything together ... play, eat, travel, nap."

Julie Lynn

'Head Filing Clerk, at Your Service'

"This lovable little bunny is named Moose," says her owner, Julie Lynn. Lynn is a nurse who doesn't work from home, she notes, but Moose holds down the fort while she's away taking care of others.

Pritee Smith

'Seriously? Another Meeting?'

Ten-year-old Shih Tzu Wilson, dog in charge of human Pritee Smith, is none too pleased about the amount of work coming his way lately. He "is usually laid back but wants what he wants when he wants it," Smith says. "He will bark at the top of his lungs until I give in to whatever his demand is."

Related: 36 Popular Dog Breeds That Don't Shed

Julie Joseph

'This Isn't My New Cat Bed?'

Seven-month-old Luna was found by Julie Joseph's family as a weak kitten "on the brink of death." Joseph says she made a full recovery and earned the nickname "Spider Kitty" because "she jumps from furniture to furniture in a single bound. She jumps over our dogs and then attaches herself onto the screen outside." Joseph says their new family addition "is so sweet — we are so happy to have her as part of our family."

Related:Amazing Animal Rescues You Won’t Believe

Catherine Thompson

'More Coffee, Please'

Dog mom Catherine Thompson sent us this picture of her coworker Jackie Blue. "She is the worst coworker ever. She won't file (says she has no thumbs), follows me into the ladies room (watched me pee), and is trying to steal my husband (home wrecker)."

Larry Wymer

'It's Time We Had a Talk'

Max seems to be telling his human coworker Larry Wymer that performance review time has come around.

Carol Guenther

'I Love Lamp'

Moe, who belongs to Carol Guenther, appears to be trying to blend in with a favorite desk accessory.

Amber McNeil

'CSO: Chief Snuggling Officer'

Nine-month-old pug puppy Minnie "is a hard worker," says her pet parent Amber McNeil. "She puts snuggles on top of her productivity list."

Kathleen Clapp

'These Conference Calls Are Exhausting'

Kathleen Clapp says her pup Opus Leroy — aka Opie Lee — is tired of all the at-home working. "She just talks and talks and it never ends," Clapp says Opie Lee seems to be thinking. "Please send her back to work before I lose my marbles."

William Dan Davis

'Does Zoom Do Haircuts?'

Owner William Dan Davis poses with Shelby, who is apparently well past the grooming deadline.

Barbara Comley

'I Think We Both Know Who's in Charge Here'

Barbara Comley says Oreo is her "kitty scarf — he loves to be on top of me all the time. He jumped on my head and back this morning. Love him."

Erica Linn

'Head Chiefs in Charge of Sleep and Security'

Erica Linn's boxer Simon and Doberman Violet are very attached to their human coworker. "Simon is the sweetest and very reserved. He has to be with me all day. He's my sleepy co-worker," Linn says. "Violet is also very sweet and an attention hog. Gets jealous if my other dogs get attention. She will put her head on my lap 'til I pet her, or she will paw at me to pet her. She is my co-worker in security."

Related: 13 Free Perks of Owning a Dog

Kate Pollin

'Tuesday Is Toby Day'

Kate Pollin calls her kitty Toby "a velcro kitty" who's very bonded to his human. "My employer allows working from home one day a week usually, so Tuesdays are Toby’s favorite day."

Emma Sotillo

'Oh, Were You Working Here?'

Tokyo is a stray cat who is a frequent visitor to Emma Sotillo's apartment, as well as Sotillo's neighbors. "We think she was left behind by someone who moved out," Sotillo says. "Some of our neighbors feed her, and she shelters within our apartment building. She stays overnight on occasion, and she makes sure to get enough attention even if it means standing in front of the laptop."

David McVey

'Six Feet, Please'

Tootsie Roll, who belongs to David McVey, is serious about safety precautions while working. 

Danielle Munk
Scott Nyerges

'Let's Put a Pin in That'

In typical Shiba Inu fashion, Akira lets her owner Scott Nyerges know she's done for the day.

Kris Scott

'I'll Handle the Meeting Minutes'

Blue, who belongs to Cheapism staffer Kris Scott, is always ready for note-taking. Or ball. Or barking at the mailman.

Nidale Zouhir

'Where's the Off Button?'

Boris, the 6-year-old kitty team member of Nidale Zouhir, is just ready for 5 p.m. to come along.

Karen Slawinsky

'Wanna Grab Some Lunch?'

Callie, who belongs to Karen Slawinsky and family, hounds her mom for a break — a break involving a walk and some ear scratches.

Pat Shrader
Marc Levy

'Are You Working to Live? Or Living to Work?'

Dagny encourages dad Marc Levy to take five. And maybe break out the cat treats. 

Laura Crepo

'Workin' 9 to … I Dunno … Noon?'

Five-month-old French bulldog Daisy has been a productive at-home team member. Mom Laura Crepo says her pup has learned the important office tasks of "sitting" and "high-fiving."

Dara Sposato

'But Why Can't We Work Out There?'

Eli, pup of Dara Sposato, is ready to go on strike if he finds out hard work, fresh air, and sunshine are somehow incompatible. 

Kim Keaveny

'Failure Is Not an Option'

Fin, as both CEO and security guard, is all business in the home of his owner and underling, Kim Keaveny West.

Brad Koberg

'No, I Wasn't Daydreaming … I Was Thinking!'

Kitty, who belongs to Brad Koberg, just fell down a rabbit hole of cat memes and now can't concentrate on the task at hand.

Related: 14 Cheap Pets That Are Easy to Take Care Of

Todd Slind

'Will This Meeting Ever End?'

Leila, an Australian Labradoodle that belongs to Sarah Scoltock and Todd Slind, would quite clearly rather be "working" on a leash.

Kelly Chapple

'Let's Take This Offline'

Lilly, who works in the office of Kelly Chapple, checks in on her co-workers' progress.

Suzanne Schneider

'Time for a Coffee Break?'

LouisV, the French bulldog of Suzanne Schneider, appears to be a fan of caffeine and David Bowie.

Jenn Magid
Max Levitte

'Memo to Staff: Time For a Walk'

Neo, Cheapism founder and CEO Max Levitte's dog, is ready for less work, more play.

Anna Christakos

'MY Mouse'

Nutmeg, who belongs to Cheapism's Anna Christakos, isn't entirely clear on the whole "mouse" concept, but is willing to pitch in.

Bárbara Lice

'Time For a Stretch Break!'

Nyx lets her human, Bárbara Lice, know that hourly breaks are both mandatory and good for the soul.

Liane Bonin Starr

'Seriously, You're Still Working?'

Cheapism editor Liane Starr's pup Oreo practices some serious side-eye in an attempt to get her to stop working and start playing.

Related: 15 Mistakes to Avoid When Working Remotely

Susan Fabrizio Russell

'So, About That Promotion …'

Susan Fabrizio Russell's four-eyed pup Parker attempts to display his earnest and serious commitment to the job.

Anna Christakos

'Wait … How Many Hours Do We Work?'

Anna Christakos' other pet, Princess Leia, is ready for the weekend in a serious way.

Kris Scott

'Yes, Boss, Whatever You Say Boss'

Sam, Kris Scott's other heeler mix, is very eager to please the boss. Unless it means not farting in the office. That he can't do.

Sydney Wilson

'Only 45 More Emails to Go'

Sydney Wilson's pup Theo takes his co-worker communication very seriously.

Yael Squeo
Saundra Latham

'Sit Down, Kid'

Saundra Latham's cat, Dill, "assists" her son with his remote learning. 

Dan Roberts

'MY Stapler'

Jolie, Dan Roberts' cat, doesn't like it when office supplies disappear into thin air. 

Liane Bonin Starr

'I Called in Sick'

Is Pookie, Liane Starr's other pup, a master of malingering? 

Danny Jensen

'It's 5 o'Clock Somewhere!'

Echo, a Chilean rose hair tarantula who belongs to Cheapism managing editor Danny Jensen, is seriously ready to take a break from her hard work on the Oregon Trail and head straight for the Tiki bar.


'I'm Just Winging It'

Howard, a pigeon belonging to Teal Malia, is over the daily news as much as any of us is at this point. Malia says his great personality makes him an ideal co-worker.