Cheese, Please!
Cheese is one of life's greatest pleasures. As a born and raised Wisconsinite, I am totally spoiled for choice: Our grocery cheese aisles have more options than most cheesemongers. So I never really explored the cheese section at Trader Joe's much, even though I love the store. But people rave about the selection and cheap prices, so I finally decided to investigate.
I went to my local Trader Joe's and bought 15 popular cheeses. Some were included in the store's latest Customer Choice Awards, some were featured by other food writers, some have gotten a lot of buzz on social media, and some just caught my eye. I let them all come up to room temperature (it makes them taste better) and then tasted them on their own and with crackers. Spoiler alert: None of them were bad! But I did have my favorites, and some I won't be buying again. Here's my ranking of Trader Joe's cheeses from best to worst.