Oh boy, 2023 was ready to give Eva Green what seemed to be a long time coming kind of reality check. Eva Green was shocked after a series of private WhatsApp messages that she had sent were released in Britain’s High Court, due to a lawsuit that came about from the film “A Patriot.” She originally tried to sue for her $1 million fee from the botched film, but she was then countersued by White Lantern Film Limited and its financiers SMC Specialty Finance LLC, who claimed that she went so far as to storm off production in an attempt to ruin the film.
Then, the actual context of the messages that were released went on to show that Green addressed her crew members as “s****y peasants,” and the director as “weak and stupid.” When she addressed those texts and other unbecoming messages, her excuse was that she’s a direct communicator and that it's her "Frenchness coming out sometimes." Okay, then, Eva.
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