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Frugal Tips To Avoid

As technology evolves, the way we live, work, and spend money has changed dramatically; what used to be considered practical may no longer be effective in today's world. Some outdated frugal tips such as paying for cable TV or always having cash on hand may not be relevant anymore, thanks to the rise of streaming services and the convenience of being able to pay with a credit card in most places. Here are seven financial tips Redditors say you should take with a grain of salt in order to to make the most out of today's economic climate. 


Myth: "Cash Is King"

While paying with cash can be an efficient way to avoid overspending, it may not be the best option in today's world. One major downside of always paying with cash is that it doesn't help you build credit. If you ever find yourself needing to take out a loan or rent an apartment, your lack of credit history could make it difficult to get approved — or you could get slapped with higher interest rates. 

"Use [credit] cards and pay it off monthly," advises one Redditor, while another adds, "Think of all the cashback and extra rewards/bonuses/miles you're missing out on, too." 

Related: 7 Simple Ways to Save Money Now

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Myth: Delivery Services Aren't Worth It

Paying extra to have groceries delivered may seem counterintuitive if you're trying to save money, but according to Redditors, it can actually be a wise financial decision. By having your groceries delivered, you can avoid the temptation of impulse purchases (I'm looking at you, Target) and stick to your shopping list. Plus, with the rise of subscription-based delivery services, the cost of delivery may even offset the amount of money you'd spend on gas or parking from having to drive to and from the store. 

"I do Walmart delivery all the time. I save on impulse purchases, it’s free, and the $10 tip saves me so much time and energy. Plus I can examine the price/weight in more detail," says one user, adding, "Oh, and my kids can’t beg for stuff or sneak things in the cart."

Related: Get Money Back at the Grocery Store With These 11 Apps


Myth: Clipping Coupons is Worth Your Time

Collecting coupons and clippings used to be a popular way to save money, but it may not be as effective today. Many coupons have restrictions and fine print that limit their usefulness, and some may only be applicable for specific products or services that you may not be interested in, or offer very little in actual savings. 

Additionally, with the rise of digital coupons and discount codes, physical coupons may not be as convenient or accessible as they once were. (Also, do people still have printers in their homes?)

"Coupons have not only not kept up with inflation, they've gotten even smaller. ... 25 cents off anything isn't enough to make it worth it," says one user.


Myth: DIY is Always Cheaper

While DIY projects can be a fun and rewarding way to save money, not all projects are worth the time and effort. Some may require specialized tools or expertise that you may not have, and the project could end up costing more money in the long run if you have to get it redone by an expert. Additionally, certain DIY projects may not have a high return on investment, meaning the amount of money you could save may not be worth the time and resources you put into the project. 

"Not everyone has the time [for DIY], especially if they work 45+ hours a week plus if they have children or other obligations on top of that," says one Redditor. 


Myth: Cheaper Gas Stations Are Worth the Drive

Driving for miles just to save a few bucks on gas is something that's been ingrained in many people. And we get it — there's nothing more irritating than filling up your tank only to discover a cheaper option at the gas station in a neighboring town. However, all the extra time and effort you're putting into finding a cheaper option may not be worth the hassle. 

As one user points out, "Driving for miles to save 2-5 cents on gas" isn't exactly a bargain deal. "I still see this done today and I don't think it helps at all," adds the Redditor. 


Myth: Doing Dishes by Hand is Cheaper Than a Dishwasher

Do you feel guilty running the dishwasher unless it's chock full to the brim because it's a "huge waste of electricity"? Growing up, a lot of us were told that running the dishwasher would result in certain financial ruin. But were we all just getting gaslit by our parents? Gasp. According to one Redditor, running the dishwasher can actually result in more savings. 

"My dishwasher uses less power to heat the water and run a load than the hot water cylinder uses just to heat the water," says the user, before handing off some wise tips. 

"Actual handy frugal tip incoming: scrape food off your dishes and then just load into the dishwasher. Do not rinse your dishes. Add dishwasher powder to the pre-rinse section as well as the normal wash section. Select a cycle with a pre-rinse start. Dishes come out perfectly clean."


Myth: Keeping Cable TV is Better Than Streaming

Having traditional cable TV may no longer be as valuable as it once was. With the rise of popular streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, viewers have more control over the content they like to watch. These services are typically also more affordable than the cost of traditional cable, though the cost gap is closing. 

"I think getting Netflix and Hulu is the better way to go. We have gone without cable for nearly four years. With being able to stream what we want, you really don't miss it much," says one user. 

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