The Top 10 Most Financially Irresponsible States

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Portrait of his he nice cool trendy content attractive handsome reckless careless carefree guy wearing checked shirt throwing money away wealth isolated over pink pastel background

Dire States

Sure, you’re doing a great job living a frugal lifestyle, but what about the rest of your state? Are you the lone soldier fighting the good fight, or is your community right there beside you?  

Social media agency Socially Powerful put together a report of the most “financially irresponsible” states in the country, pulling data from ICSC, UpgradedPoints, WalletHub, Equifax, Bankrate, Raisin, and Wikipedia, and more. Here’s what they had to say. 

Kerry Park in Seattle, Washington

1. Washington

Population (2025): 7,946,241

Median household annual income (2023): $94,605

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $469,987

Average Credit Score (2024): 722

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $112.06

When you’re the first state to recreationally legalize the green stuff, maybe it makes sense that your unnecessary spending might go up. 

Dallas Texas evening skyline

2. Texas

Population (2025): 30,377,670

Median household annual income (2023): $75,780

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $434,328

Average Credit Score (2024): 686

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $98.66

Thirty million people is no joke of a population. That Amazon spending seems… low?

Denver Colorado skyscrapers snowy Longs Peak Rocky Mountains summer

3. Colorado

Population (2025): 5,942,925

Median household annual income (2023): $92,911

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $449,719

Average Credit Score (2024): 720

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $93.96

Probably blowing all their money on ski trips, I bet. 

Aerial View of Downtown Miami, Florida
Art Wager/istockphoto

4. Florida

Population (2025): 22,431,101

Median household annual income (2023): $73,311

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $428,997

Average Credit Score (2024): 698

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $98.42

Florida is known for a lot of things, but doing the responsible thing us not typically one of them. 

Providence, Rhode Island Skyline
Sean Pavone/istockphoto

5. Rhode Island

Population (2025): 1,099,146

Median household annual income (2023): $84,972

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $392,622

Average Credit Score (2024): 713

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $98.06

Talk about Richie Riches; they’re probably burning money for sport from their private beach houses on the coast. 

San Diego, California

6. California

Population (2025): 39,808,306

Median household annual income (2023): $95,521

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $452,135

Average Credit Score (2024): 712

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $90.52

Californians may not spend their money wisely, but that’s only because there are 10 million cool and interesting things you can spend it on every single day when you live there.  

Atlanta, Georgia Skyline

7. Georgia

Population (2025): 11,053,709

Median household annual income (2023): $74,632

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $435,254

Average Credit Score (2024): 686

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $88.77

There’s a lot of money in Georgia, especially Atlanta, and people with a lot of money enjoy spending it. 

Memphis Tennessee Skyline
Sean Pavone/istockphoto

8. Tennessee

9. Population (2025): 7,092,000

Median household annual income (2023): $67,631

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $376,476

Average Credit Score (2024): 697

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $124.22

Are we really dunking on Tennessee for having a credit score of 697? That’s still considered pretty good.  

Phoenix, Arizona skyline at dusk

9. Arizona

Population (2025): 7,363,244

Median household annual income (2023): $77,315

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $427,418

Average Credit Score (2024): 703

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $91.55

If I lived in that type of horrendous desert heat, you can bet your sweet bippy I’d be irresponsibly online shopping for luxuries. 

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Sean Pavone/istockphoto

10. New Mexico

Population (2025): 2,105,525

Median household annual income (2023): $62,268

Average Retirement Savings (2024): $428,041

Average Credit Score (2024): 695

Average Monthly Spending on Amazon: $110.56

Still a better credit score than a lot of people. Just saying.