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Halloween is that one night where rules don’t really matter — you ask strangers for candy, dress like a ghoul, toss giant spiders in your yard, and of course, binge on sugar. But the no-rules vibe stretches to what’s handed out as 'candy,' and that’s where things get sketchy. Some soulless folks give out toothbrushes, pencils, or, even worse, raisins. Then there are the candy choices that might be even worse than finding an apple with a razor inside.

A survey byShiny Smiles Veneers asked more than 1,000 Americans to reveal the most loved and hated Halloween candies — and, unsurprisingly, the ones most likely to land you in the dentist's chair the next day.

Here are 20 candies that trick-or-treaters will judge you for handing out.


20. Lemonheads

Lemonheads are probably how the color yellow tastes: tangy, sour, and designed to make your face scrunch up like you’ve just eaten a lemon (because, duh). Some 10.7% of Americans don’t appreciate being surprised by a candy that’s more of a “citric acid trick” than a treat.


19. Double Bubble

This old-school gum, which somehow feels like chewing on a flavored rock, is a pass for 10.9% of Americans. It’s rock-hard when you start, and the flavor is no more after just 3 seconds of chewing.


18. Laffy Taffy

Notorious for gluing your teeth together, 11.4% of the public would rather opt for the trick than this candy.


17. Smarties

This one’s tricky, with two camps: those who love Smarties and those who call them compressed sugar buttons. The 12.9% in the latter group are the ones rolling their eyes when these show up in their candy haul.


16. Jelly Beans

The thing with jelly beans is the gamble. Will you get a nice fruity one or bite into the dreaded licorice flavor? Too often, it’s the latter, which is why 13.6% of people would rather skip this candy Russian roulette.


15. Tootsie Roll

Here is the candy equivalent of “meh,” making you wonder if someone forgot to finish inventing them. They aren’t quite chocolate, not quite taffy — just a mystery chewy thing that seems to hang around every Halloween. A solid 13.8% of Americans apparently can’t figure out why these are still a thing. (Though we be most of them can still remember the jingle from the Tootsie Roll commercials.)


14. Nik-L-Nip Wax Bottles

When your candy has the word “wax,” in its name, you’ve got problems. The candy itself has a very confusing concept: a literal wax enclosing a teaspoon of questionable liquid. Should you chew the bottle, drink the liquid, or just throw the whole thing out? About 13.9% of Americans chose the last option.


13. Mentos

Known more for exploding soda bottles than for being a satisfying candy, Mentos somehow land in 14.3% of people’s most hated list.


12. Cadbury Creme Egg

This Easter cast-off is a sugar bomb wrapped in chocolate with a gooey center that can only be described as “kind of gross.” With 14.6% of Americans voting it down, it's clear that this candy isn’t winning any hearts in the Halloween season. Save it for April, Cadbury.


11. Red Hots

The candy that sets your mouth on fire. Some people live for that cinnamon heat, but 14.9% of Americans would rather not experience a Halloween version of a spice challenge.


10. Almond Joy

When it comes to coconuts, the candy community is sharply divided, and Almond Joy has that polarizing ‘love it or hate it’ factor, with 16.7% of people firmly on the "hate it" side.


9. Dots

These chewy, sticky lumps pretending to be candy are notorious for getting stuck in your teeth, and 17.7% of Americans have had enough.


8. Branch’s Pumpkin

This is candy corn’s odd cousin and just as polarizing. With its thick, gritty texture, 18.5% of Americans would rather leave these behind.


7. Hot Tamales Fire & Ice

Hot and cold in one candy? No thanks. Hot Tamales Fire & Ice throws your tastebuds into confusion, and 20.1% of people are just not on board with this spicy and minty mashup.

marshmallow peeps of every color by John Brian Silverio (CC BY-NC-ND)

6. Peeps

Peeps are marshmallow nightmares with a sugar coating. They’re meant for Easter baskets but somehow show up in Halloween stashes too. And 21.5% of folks would rather see these fluffy critters stay far away from their candy buckets.


5. Bit-O-Honey

A relic from the 1920s, that’s tough, sticky, and tastes like someone added honey to cardboard. No wonder 21.6% of people would happily leave this “treat” in the past. It’s a candy that feels like a trick.


4. Jawbreaker

Because who doesn’t want to rush their kids to the dentist right after trick-or-treating? Jawbreakers are impractical, indestructible, and more of a challenge than a treat. A whopping 21.7% of people would rather skip this tooth-destroying test of patience.


3. Atomic Fireball

Atomic Fireballs aren’t for the faint of heart, and 23.9% of American trick-or-treaters would rather go for something a little less explosive.


2. Hot Tamales

With 26.1% of Americans hating on these spicy little candies, it’s clear that not everyone wants their candy to burn their mouth. Some people like a little kick, but these bring a whole bonfire to the table.


1. Candy Corn

And finally, the reigning king of most hated Halloween candies: Candy Corn. And 36% of Americans will judge you if you hand out this tricolor, waxy, and sugary yet somehow flavorless abomination that dares to call itself candy.


The Most Loved Halloween Candies

On the flip side, according to the survey, here are the candies that Americans would love to see in the candy stash:

  1. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
  2. M&M's
  3. Kit Kat
  4. Snickers
  5. Twix
  6. Skittles
  7. Hershey's Bars
  8. Starburst
  9. Milky Way
  10. Butterfinger


Trick or Teeth

  1. The most dangerous Halloween candy for your teeth are Jawbreakers, Jolly Ranchers, and Bit-O-Honey.
  2. Tooth pain, sensitivity, and wrecked fillings or crowns top the list of dental disasters Americans face after diving into their candy stash.
  3. On average, Americans spent $538.28 fixing their teeth after a candy-related dental mishap.

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