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The Costco Fandom Speaks!

Costco’s Kirkland brand has some serious stans, and rightfully so. Many of the store’s signature items deserve their cult-like following. However, sometimes even Costco strikes out. Redditors say these Kirkland products are so bad that you should never, ever buy them.


Kirkland Dish Soap

Customers complain that the blue liquid has a strong scent that’s not very pleasant. But the real problem is it doesn’t clean very well, according to multiple Redditors. Some even said it doesn’t cut grease as well as classic Dawn, so you have to use more of it, meaning buying store brand didn’t save you any money in the end. 


Kirkland Toilet Paper

The Costco brand toilet paper has been getting worse and worse over the years, according to Redditors. Common complaints are that it's too thin and too scratchy, with some even comparing it to sandpaper. We’ll stick to Charmin in that case. 


Kirkland Dishwasher Tabs

Yet another Kirkland product that was once great and now's garbage. The dishwasher tabs have terrible reviews. Redditors mention that they leave a build-up of residue, with entire loads of dishes needing to be rewashed.

Brandon Zierer/Flickr

Kirkland Batteries

If you’re trying to save a few bucks by stocking up on Costco brand batteries, stay far, far away. Several Redditors comment that they have experienced the batteries leaking acid and breaking their electronics.


Kirkland Sliced Turkey Three-Pack

Go for the best when choosing your deli meat — and unfortunately, Kirkland brand isn’t it. Common complaintsare that the turkey is slimy even when fresh and simply doesn’t taste good. Plus, deli meat goes bad fast, so if you don’t mind the taste and texture, you still risk most of it getting thrown out unless you make a lot of sandwiches. 


Kirkland Laundry Pods

Not all laundry detergents are created equal, and Kirkland’s are a cut below the rest. Redditorscomplain that the pods don’t dissolve well, and even worse, stain their clothes with the coloring. 


Kirkland Protein Bars

Some fans of the bars say that they are “fine” and that the 20 grams of protein at a great price make them worth it. Meanwhile, other Redditorscall the bars “inedible” and say they have to choke them down. Pretty much nobody calls them delicious.


Kirkland Contact Lens Solution

According to some Redditors, the store brand lens solution isn’t lubricating enough and leaves their eyes feeling drier than if they had bought a name brand.


Kirkland Signature Dental Chews

Costco’s version of Greenies for dogs is certainly more affordable, with a 72 count bag costing the same as a 36 count bag of the name brand. But apparently, many dogs are nobody’s fool. Some Redditors say their dogs turned snouts up at them. They are luckier than the buyers who say the treats gave their dogs terrible stomach issues.


Kirkland Balsamic Vinegar

Yet another product that used to be better. One commoncomplaintis that the Kirkland  balsamic vinegar is now way too sweet, without a vinegary bite. Others say it pours out of the bottle like water.


Kirkland Diet Green Tea

The drink  isn’t always in stock at some locations, but that’s probably a good thing. Some people can’t get enough of the sweet drink, but others have describedthe flavor as similar to Lemon Pledge.


Kirkland Rotisserie Chicken

Although rotisserie chickens are one of Costco’s signature, long-time items, some Costco shoppers aredisgusted. Many find the seasoning used in the chickens completely unpalatable. The rumor is that the seasoning used has a similar effect that cilantro does — you either love it or hate it. 

Kirkland Signature/Amazon

Kirkland Signature Pre Moistened Flushable Wipes

Don’t bother with this item, recommends multiple Redditors. There are numerous complaintsthat you can’t even get them out of the package without the sheets ripping apart. These wipes are supposed to decompose in the toilet, not in your hands while using them. 


Kirkland Signature Men's Crew Neck Tee

Yet another Kirkland product that has apparently gone downhill, the store’s name brand tees used to be thick and nicely cut. Now Redditorscomplain that the shirts are thin, long and awkward-looking. 


Kirkland Signature Dog Food

Generally, the various flavors of Kirkland dog food get good reviews from buyers, who consider the ingredients high-quality and say their dogs enjoy the food. Theproblem is that often specific formulas are not consistently available in-store or online. Owners then have to wean their dogs onto something else (which often causes stomach issues) temporarily.


Kirkland Vacuum Sealer Bags

Don’t bother with Costco’s store brand sealer bags — some Redditorssay they are trash. Customers say the seal breaks frequently when the bags are frozen, which pretty much defeats the purpose of the item.


Kirkland Signature Spiced Rum

Kirkland alcohol is definitely a mixed bag, with many people loving the tequila and vodka while plenty say they’re gross. However, Redditors generallyagree that the store’s spiced rum is a pass. It is strongly reminiscent of a combination of hand sanitizer and liquid smoke, according to one Redditor.


Kirkland Signature Organic Marinara Sauce

Redditors question why you would bother buying this when a pack of the beloved Raos is sitting right next to it in stores. Some customers decided to give it a shot anyway, but ended up regretting their choice. It appears you either can barely taste it and need to add seasoning, or it tastes like Spaghetti-O’s sauce.


Kirkland Signature Diapers

You would think buying diapers in bulk at Costco would be a great deal. However, the store brand isn’t any cheaper than Walmart or Target store brands, and not as good, according to some Redditors. 

They complain the diapers don’t hold in blowouts and leak like crazy, which is the last thing a parent needs to deal with.