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Some Purchases Can Literally Pay For Themselves.

In an era where the cost of living is steadily on the rise and inflation simply won't leave us all alone, the value of investing in various items that will last a long time can't be expressed enough. 

This Reddit thread has various Redditors coming out of the woodwork to divulge their best "lifetime value" purchases. It turns out that a cast iron pan is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Hopefully, by reading through these recommendations you'll be able to save yourself more money down the line. 


Can't Sleep On The Value Of A High-Quality Mattress.

When you have the financial means to invest in a high-quality mattress, you would do well to commit to the initially pricier purchase. Not only will a high-quality mattress earn back its value over the years, but if you actually end up being able to clock more consistently restful nights of sleep, you could end up with that much more energy to make that much more money. 


The Cast Iron Pan Is In It For The Long Haul.

As long as you're committed to cutting back on your expenses by cooking at home, you'll likely use your various pans all the time. Might as well throw in for the cookware that will last you that much longer


A Quality Knife Can Go A Long Way.

If you've ever tried your hand at cutting various veggies for a homemade meal with a low quality vs. a high-quality knife you've likely had firsthand experience with the remarkable difference in terms of their ease of use. 

Related: 30 Kitchen Essentials That Are Built to Last


The Nice Tools Really Pay For Themselves In The Long Run.

If you're going to be making enough repairs around your home, you'd do well to just throw in for the nicer tools when you have the means to do so. 


No More Stressing About Breaking Those Plates.

Just picture the possibilities. No more having to worry about the klutzy moments that come for us all as part of being human. 


Sturdy Luggage Vastly Improves The Traveling Game.

With the proper luggage you can athletically bob and weave through the most crowded of airports without having to worry about your luggage giving you trouble in one way or another. 

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They Drop Some Wisdom There At The End.

This person is clearly tapped in. To take care of what you have for as long as it will work for you is to set up your future self for financial success. Or at least not having to replace numerous things all the time. 


Dental Bills Are Always Going To Be Aggressive Toward The Bank Account.

There are plenty of folks that will live, automatically brush, and die by the extensive value of an electric toothbrush. At the very least it could be worth a try. 


Quality Shoes That Are Treated Right Can Pay For Themselves Over Time.

While that high-quality pair of shoes might take a bigger bite out of your bank account in the short-term, over the long-run you could be pleasantly surprised over the money that you're able to save back. 


An Interesting Workaround For Anyone Who Wants To Do Away With Paper Towels.

Yeah, so instead of tossing out any old and unwanted beach towels it just so turns out that they could save you money you'd have spent on paper towels. 


At Least This One If Applicable For You Is Worth Looking Into.

In terms of how long it would take to get your money back is definitely something worth lending research time into