The Best Bojangles Biscuit Sandwiches, Ranked

Bojangles biscuits

Wilder Shaw / Cheapism

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Bojangles biscuits
Wilder Shaw / Cheapism


Bojangles is a fried chicken chain first and foremost, but the menu is far from over after the chicken section ends. They do sides. They do desserts. They even sell hard sweet tea at the grocery store.

Breakfast at Bo's means biscuits, and since they're served all day, you might find yourself with a Bojangles craving at any time. What are the best Bojangles biscuits to order? I tried seven of the most popular ones and found out.

Prices and availability are subject to change.

J. Michael Jones / istockphoto


For this test, I hit my local Asheville, North Carolina Bojangles. I live close, so the time between pickup and tasting was less than ten minutes. I tried everything exactly as it comes, with no additions.

Bojangles doesn't seem to be offering its popular pimento cheese biscuit at the moment, so that one didn't land any consideration. Sorry to all the pimento-heads out there.

Sausage BoBerry Biscuit
Wilder Shaw / Cheapism

Best: Sausage BoBerry Biscuit


I'm a fan of salty-sweet combinations through and through. A lot of people think they aren't, but those people also probably like PB&J. And this isn't so different from a PB&J, really. 

We've got a biscuit full of gooey berries sandwiching a crispy, salty sausage patty. The biscuit is built such a way that you're getting bites of both salty and sweet in every mouthful, and I'm here for it. The BoBerry biscuit is a limited-time offer, too, so hurry.

My only complaint is the same complaint I have for all biscuit sandwiches: These pastries are an inherently stupid vessel for sandwiches. They're too crumbly. It just doesn't work the same way as an English muffin or a nice piece of sourdough. Even a bagel, which has a hole in the center built for ejecting 30% of its contents onto your fingers, is a better vessel than a biscuit. 

Cajun Chicken Filet Biscuit
Wilder Shaw / Cheapism
Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit
Wilder Shaw / Cheapism

3. Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit


As far as a fast-food breakfast goes, this sandwich more than gets the job done. A cheesy egg rarely goes wrong for me, and the bacon is absolutely fine. The ten minutes betwixt being made and being consumed really seemed to do a number on the cheese though, eh? Look at that stuff. Hardened into regal, wispy curls, like the State of Liberty's flame.

Related: 8 Mouthwatering Fast-Food Biscuits

Steak Biscuit
Wilder Shaw / Cheapism

4. Steak Biscuit


Country-fried steak is an indulgence; there's no doubt about that. I'd be surprised if the steak here was much more than your average fast-food burger patty, but the crunchy, spicy fry on that thing really lands. It's oily and decadent in just the right ways, regulated in flavor by the floury biscuit. 

If this were on a sturdier biscuit and had some sort of sweetness for a little bit of balance (I can't stop thinking about what power Kewpie mayo would bring), I'd probably go back for one of these some day.

Related: The Best Restaurant Biscuits in Every State

Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit
Wilder Shaw / Cheapism

5. Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit


There are better places to get this, but Bo's is absolutely fine. My sausage had a surprising amount of caramelization on the edges, and along with the melty American cheese, this felt oddly reminiscent of a smash burger. There's worse ways to start your day.

Related: 12 Fast-Food Breakfast Deals That Make It Easier To Wake Up

Southern Gravy Biscuit
Wilder Shaw / Cheapism

6. Southern Gravy Biscuit


Snob alert! Snob alert! 

I'm a big, fat snob about a whole lot of things, and one of those things is biscuits and gravy. B 'n G is one of my favorite dishes. When a corporate fast-food chain is doing a quick-service version of one your favorite dishes, you tend not to like it very much, and end up comparing it to the real stuff, the stuff you love.

This is no real stuff. This is the fake stuff, and in this heart, there is only room for authenticity. If you're not a big jerk like myself, which I concede is a possibility, this will scratch the itch.

Country Ham Biscuit
Wilder Shaw / Cheapism

7. Country Ham Biscuit


There was no world where this would be anywhere but last for me. Country ham, if you've never partaken, is extraordinarily salty, and despite the doughy biscuit, salt is the only thing I can taste here. It's the only thing I can ever taste when country ham is involved. I don't get it with this food.