It's spring cleaning time. Whether DIY or otherwise, everyone seems to have their own preferred methods and magical concoctions. We asked fellow Cheapists for their take on the annual spring rite. Here's their list of spring cleaning tips:
Spring Cleaning Checklist.
Organization is key to effective and efficient spring cleaning, which makes a complete to-do checklist absolutely essential. Many sites offer helpful ideas, but Martha Stewart provides one that's thorough and packed with information.
Spring Cleaning Tips.
A thorough cleaning of the entire house may seem overwhelming, but there are ways to get control. One of our Facebook followers advises compartmentalizing; that is, clean one room at a time. Another takes a similar approach and adds a focused methodology. She starts by working ceiling to floor all the way around into the center by wiping, dusting, and straightening. She pushes anything that doesn't belong in the room towards the center. Upon reaching the center, she sorts through the pile, leaving what belongs and removing the rest. She then vacuums and restores everything to their rightful location.
Do you have a green thumb but dusty plants? One Cheapist recommends a spring cleaning tip that wins points for efficiency: Place potted plants in the shower to rid them of dust, a tactic that waters them at the same time.
We also found that our followers, along with consumer reviewers, are partial to one particular household cleaning product: the all-purpose Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, admired for its versatility in cleaning hard surfaces and removing mysterious scuffs from walls.
DIY Cleaning Products.
Your cupboard probably already holds all you need to spring clean. Four common household products repeatedly showed up in our poll: baking soda, vinegar, tea tree oil, and dish soap. With these items on hand, asserts a Facebook follower, specialized cleaning products are unnecessary. Here's how to make the most of these simple ingredients: Add tea tree oil, a natural disinfectant, to water and dish soap for an all-purpose cleaner. Use vinegar and water to clean mirrors and the baking soda to clean away bathroom soap scum (works well on other surfaces that need a gentle scrub).
If you find yourself still prowling about for spring cleaning tips, check out our Spring Clean and Go Green and Save Green Pinterest boards.