Thinking Outside The Box Can Save You A Lot Of Money
Your next vacation or business trip doesn’t have to be cripplingly expensive. Just because you have your sights set on staying at an impressively classy hotel in a dreamlike destination with white sandy beaches and warm, piercing blue waters doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to settle for an obscene “resort fee.” Oh boy, will we get into all of that later.
Thankfully, this world’s seasoned travelers have repeatedly stepped outside the conventional lane when approaching travel strategies, to instead provide the rest of us with a collection of unexpected, even unhinged money-saving travel hacks. With these tips tucked away in your back pocket, you might save enough money to fund your next getaway much sooner.
Note: We recommend doing your research and thoroughly reading the fine print when booking travel to avoid unexpected fees or penalties. These travel suggestions may not apply to or be appropriate for all travelers and circumstances.
Related: 32 Things You're Doing Wrong When Planning a Vacation