Buyer Beware: Your Deliveries Are More Likely to Get Lost If You Live in These 10 States

lost package

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lost package
Cheapism / Bing Image Creator

Dude, Where's My Package?

As we head full-tilt into the holiday season, complete with lots of gift buying and Black Friday madness, it's important to keep track of our packages. Many of us are buying so many things, that it's hard to keep track of what we have coming, but you don't want to make the mistake of relying on carrier services to follow through. There are plenty of lost package incidents to be aware of — not to mention porch pirates — and some states are more prone than others. 

Location intelligence experts Logate analyzed Google searches in every state, dialing in on search terms like "lost package" and related phrases to determine which states seem to have more lost packages than others.

Here are the states where your packages are most likely to end up in some sort of courier abyss.

Delivery man putting on boxes on the cart
Lone box on warehouse floor

2. Kansas

Monthly searches related to lost packages: 271,333

Searches per 100,000 people: 9,238

Population: 2,937,150

Lost package
Young delivery man looking for a package

4. Oklahoma

Monthly searches related to lost packages: 320,148

Searches per 100,000 people: 7,964

Population: 4,019,800

sea container fallen in the sea
Thibault Renard/istockphoto

5. South Carolina

Monthly searches related to lost packages: 418,363

Searches per 100,000 people: 7,920

Population: 5,282,634

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Portrait of an older business man, an active senior

6. Pennsylvania

Monthly searches related to lost packages: 963,858

Searches per 100,000 people: 7,430

Population: 12,972,008

Rear view of a man looking through the window at home
FG Trade/istockphoto

7. Missouri

Monthly searches related to lost packages: 449,393

Searches per 100,000 people: 7,274

Population: 6,177,957

Confused angry young woman having problem with phone

8. Connecticut

Monthly searches related to lost packages: 247,755

Searches per 100,000 people: 6,832

Population: 3,626,205

Young African American man having reading bad news on his smart phone
Ivan Pantic/istockphoto

9. Indiana

Monthly searches related to lost packages: 459,220

Searches per 100,000 people: 6,721

Population: 6,833,037

Confused Arab man talking on mobile phone using laptop

10. Arkansas

Monthly searches related to lost packages: 201,733

Searches per 100,000 people: 6,624

Population: 3,045,637