Photos That Will Instantly Transport You to Childhood Road Trips

Vintage image of a family on the roads


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Vintage image of a family on the roads

Blasts from the Past

From the excitement of piling into the family car to the thrill of playing the license plate game in the back seat, there's something magical (and nostalgic) about revisiting childhood road trips. Whether it was the wind in your hair as you leaned out of the old station wagon, or the joy of spotting the first road sign to your destination, these moments are etched in our hearts, reminding us of the simpler joys in life. 

From pretending to be asleep as your parents scooped you up after a long drive to the sheer joy of singing along to oldies on the radio, here are 13 photos that will instantly take you back to childhood roadtrips.

Station wagon road trip, 1960s
r/ig_Shot_Ganster via

1. The Whole Family Crammed in a Station Wagon

The station wagon was the heart of family road trips, and looking back, there was something comforting about everyone crammed together — even among bickering siblings and stressed-out parents. From the steady hum of the engine to the sight of snack wrappers and comic books, all these details became part of the experience. They also remind us that it's often the simplest memories that bring the most joy.

Three Kids in Truck

2. Zooming in the Bed of a Pickup Truck

Before seatbelt laws became strict, riding in the back of a pickup truck was the ultimate thrill. The wind whipping through our hair and the feeling of freedom was unmatched as we zoomed past dirt roads and streets with our friends. We'd laugh and shout over the roar of the wind, sharing stories and jokes that would become inside jokes forever. Today, doing this would be considered far too dangerous and reckless. 

old tire swing hanged on a tree

3. A Tire Swing by a Lake

Stopping at a tranquil lake and discovering a tire swing hanging from an old oak tree was like stumbling upon a hidden treasure (or at least every movie from the '80 seems to think so). Laughter echoed across the lake as kids raced to see who could swing the highest or make the biggest splash. These moments of pure, unbridled joy capture the essence of a simpler childhood, before the dawn of technology and social media.

On route for a holiday in the R4

4. Playing the License Plate Game

The license plate game was a road trip classic that kept everyone entertained. Each new plate was a small victory — a sign that you were sharing the road with travelers from far-off places. Despite being a simple game, it sparked our imaginations as we wondered about the lives of those in the cars driving next to us. Hours would pass as friends and siblings competed to see who could spot the most states.

Diner Sign in Red Neon, Roadside Restaurant, Retro 1950's

5. Stopping at Roadside Diners

After a long day of driving, pulling into a roadside diner was a welcome break to stretch our legs and refuel with some burgers and shakes. These diners, complete with neon signs, checkered floors, and a jukebox playing our favorite tunes, felt like stepping back in time. Even if the food wasn't the best, there was something special and nostalgic about sharing a meal together after a long day on the road. 

Vintage Keychains

6. Collecting Souvenirs from Every State

Every road trip, at least with my family, included stops at local souvenir shops where we'd beg our parents to buy us magnets, postcards, or tiny trinkets representing each state. But the souvenirs were more than just tokens, they were reminders of shared adventures and unforgettable memories. Even now, years later, these items still transport me back to a time when the world seemed so vast and full of wonders.

Car Travel with Young Children - Young Child Happy Whilst Travelling

7. Singing Along to the Radio at the Top of Our Lungs

The family car was a moving concert hall, with the radio blasting tunes that everyone knew by heart. Sing-alongs turned into full-on performances, with each family member taking a turn as the lead vocalist, while picturesque landscapes whizzed by. Though the music varied from classic rock and rap to cheesy pop hits, these moments of pure joy helped the time go faster, creating a soundtrack to our adventures.

Children Sleeping In Car
EyeEm Mobile GmbH/istockphoto

8. Napping in the Car During Long Drives

On long drives, we'd get lulled to sleep wrapped in a blanket and makeshift pillow (or teddy bear). Even if sleeping in a cramped car wasn't the most comfortable, there was something comforting about drifting off while the landscape blurred by, knowing we were headed somewhere new. Though we'd wake up disoriented, there was something exciting about seeing how far we'd come, and the anticipation of what was ahead. 

South Lake Tahoe, 1974
Frederic Lewis/Getty Images

9. Seeing Billboards for Roadside Attractions

The appearance of billboards advertising quirky roadside attractions and motels sparked excitement and curiosity. Whether it was a giant ball of twine in Kansas or a mysterious cave in Florida, these signs showed us the promise of adventure and fun just off the beaten path. Though the attractions themselves were often quite tacky (they were tourist traps after all) they still added a sense of excitement to the trip. 

Checking the Map, Circa 1950
FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

10. Reading Maps and Getting Lost

Before the advent of GPS, paper maps unfolded like a treasure map as they guided us through unfamiliar places. But trying to drive while navigating these maps was an adventure in itself, with everyone taking turns to play co-pilot and decipher the routes. Despite taking a few wrong turns, those detours often became a highlight of the trip. Who else has had to pull into a gas station to ask for directions? Gen Z could never. 

Welcome to Colorado
r/merelala via

11. The Excitement of Reaching a New State

Crossing a state line was always a moment of happiness and excitement, marked by the colorful signs welcoming us to a new place. Everyone in the car would cheer as we passed it, eager to explore the new terrain and what it had to offer. Each state had its own feel, and the shift in scenery and atmosphere was palpable. It felt like we were entering a new world, full of possibilities and adventures waiting to be had.

Boy on a road trip

12. Watching the Sun Set from the Car Window

As the day turned to evening, watching the sun set from the car window was another peaceful moment on the road. The sky filling with dazzling shades of orange, pink, and purple would paint a beautiful backdrop to the journey. We'd gaze out in awe, feeling a sense of calm and contentment as the world outside slowly faded away. 

Family beach vacations

13. Arriving at Your Destination After a Long Day of Driving

The moment we finally arrived at our destination, tired but excited, was always the best part of the trip. Whether it was a campsite, a beach, or a relative's house, the sense of accomplishment and anticipation made it all worthwhile. Even pretending to be asleep and having my dad scoop me up was part of the adventure. The exhaustion and tension from being cooped up in the car for days on end would all melt away. 

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