May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor
Typically, when we think of casinos, we think of how they make for very wealthy casino owners, but sometimes you just feel lucky. If that's you, and you're heading to Las Vegas anytime soon, you'll want to be strategic about where you spend your money. did their due diligence and found the 15 luckiest casinos in Vegas, using keyword searches within Tripadvisor reviews to determine its findings.
As for the terms actually searched for, these included: lucky, luck, won, winning, success, jackpot, and hand pay. The website made sure to confirm that there weren’t any instances where the keywords were being counted more than once in a single person’s review. Once the team was done computing the numbers, they calculated the percentage of any time a reviewer mentioned a luck-related sentiment in each casino’s total Tripadvisor reviews. They only focused on each casino’s Tripadvisor page, and left out reviews from the casino's hotel and resort Tripadvisor pages. Lastly, the data itself was gathered in November 2023.
Here are the top 15 luckiest casinos to keep in mind during your next trip to Las Vegas.