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Remove Stickers

Whether from stickers or tape, you can remove adhesive residues with a spritz of vodka, according to one Redditor. And if you have a dark sense of humor, you can horrify guests by spraying some in your mouth while you clean.

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Deodorize Furniture

If you've got a bottle of cheap vodka lying around, you can skip the Febreze. "I have three dogs and sometimes they get the couch or armchair stinky. Put the vodka in a spray bottle and thoroughly dampen the couch. When it dries, it will be much improved," one commenter writes.


Cook Penne alla Vodka

While it seems odd to pour vodka into a pot of creamy pasta sauce, the alcohol actually intensifies the dish's aromas and flavors. Just be sure to follow a recipe, as too much vodka will overpower the sauce.


Make Jell-O Shots

OK, so you might not want to drinkthe cheap vodka ... but what if we added a bit of sugar, gelatin, and a splash of color? With just a few ingredients, you can transform that $10 bottle of vodka into a fun and vibrant party drink.

Iseo Yang/istockphoto

Go Fishing

For easy hook removal, take a spray bottle of vodka when you go fishing, Redditors say. If you apply a small amount of vodka to their gills, it "calms the fish" without killing it.