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I'm still not sure if Grimace is a dinosaur tastebud or just a random purple blob, but his birthday — June 12 — has revealed one thing. He tastes like blueberry. Maybe.

@ugh_madison New mcdonalds grimace birthday meal and shake! grimace tastes so good 🥰 #mcdonalds #food ♬ birthday - multi

What Is the Grimace Birthday Meal?

The Grimace Birthday Meal is pretty familiar to McDonald's fans. You can get a 10-piece Chicken McNugget or a Big Mac and a medium fry. Where it gets interesting is in the drink selection of this otherwise unremarkable combo meal: the Grimace Birthday Shake, available only in the meal (so any hopes of just trying the shake solo are dashed). 

Photo credit: Cheapism

How Does the Grimace Birthday Shake Taste?

I had high hopes. It was for a birthday celebration, so maybe some sprinkles? Nope. And taking one sip, I suspected blueberry, or berry of some kind. That and sugar. A lot of sugar. Maybe that was supposed to seem festive, but it was just tooth-achingly sweet (I get it, Grimace is a big sweetie, but ugh). 

Mostly, this seemed to be a vanilla shake dyed with some berries. It wasn't anything spectacular. I'm not sure what I was expecting from Grimace — I didn't even know it was his birthday, or that big purple blobs even had birthdays — but it wasn't cause for much celebration.

Of course, everyone in my family wanted (read: was forced) to take a sip. My older daughter thought it was blueberry and vanilla and kindly gave it a thumbs up, while the younger kid tasted marshmallow and deemed it too sweet (who even knew kids had a "too sweet" setting?). My husband also thought the shake was berry- and vanilla-flavroed and way, way too sweet.

Is the Grimace Birthday Meal Worth It?

Considering the Grimace Birthday Meal (with a small shake surcharge, if you can believe it) was $12.99, while a Big Mac Combo is $9.59, the answer is ... not really. It was pretty similar to a vanilla shake, and it wasn't much fun. I searched the bag for some sign of Grimace-y excitement, like a Grimace sticker or something, but other than the shake, it was a boring combo meal. Period. 

And I still don't feel like I know anything more about the mystery that is Grimace.

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