20 Frugal Rich-People Habits You Should Take On, Too

Cheapism; xavierarnau/istockphoto; AleksandarNakic/istockphoto
1. Living Below Their Means
Obtaining wealth is one thing, but preserving it is a different beast. Rich folks don't allocate every cent they have or earn to something. Instead, they live below their means so there's lots of wiggle room and plenty of opportunity to save up.
2. Buying Groceries & Household Staples in Bulk
If you're going to use it, need it, or buy it eventually, you might as well stock up on it if the bulk price shakes out to less money than the alternative way to shop.
Not to mention, you won't have to go to the store as much if you buy in bulk, which saves you both time and gas money.
3. Investing Wisely
You might think that the super-rich just tell their financial advisers to do whatever they can to make them richer, keeping their own hands off their investments. In reality, rich folks are usually pretty involved with their investments, ensuring they're making smart financial moves. Most millionaires also invest in their company's 401k plans to maximize the growth of their wealth even further.
4. Sticking to a List at the Grocery Store
Remember when you were a kid at the grocery store, daydreaming about becoming rich one day so you could buy everything Mom said "no" to? Turns out rich people don't approach grocery shopping that way after all. Most millionaires use grocery lists when shopping.
5. Avoiding Debt
Super-rich people tend to only take out loans with favorable interest rates, and they make it a habit to pay their credit card bills off every month, only using them to take advantage of things like cash back rewards.
6. They Hunt for the Best Deals
Just because wealthy folks have plenty of money doesn't mean they're going to pay $20 more for something they know they can get cheaper at another store.
7. Driving Reliable Vehicles
Not every person with a big fat bank account is cruising the highway in a Lamborghini or a tricked-out Escalade. Instead, these folks gravitate toward reliable, fuel-efficient rides.
8. They Feed Their Savings Regularly
If there's one thing you can bet on, it's wealthy people doing everything they can to stay wealthy. So, they regularly add money to their savings and invest, often setting up automatic deposits.
9. Embracing Energy Efficiency
From purchasing energy-efficient appliances to driving electric vehicles, rich folks pursue ways to save energy and money simultaneously.
10. Planning Meals and Cooking at Home
Do rich people enjoy dining out? Sure. But on regular basis, they often do more cooking at home and meal planning to keep themselves from unnecessary spending.
11. Leaning Into Minimalism
Less is more if you ask the rich, who make it a point to decorate their homes from a minimalistic perspective.
12. Tracking Expenses & Budgeting
The rich aren't out here spending money all willy-nilly. They keep track of what they're spending, and many of them follow a budget to keep themselves (and their savings) on track.
13. Using Travel Points for Discounted Vacations
Travel points come in handy across every demographic, including the uber-rich. Not every vacation a rich person takes is a lavish one. Instead, they'll use their frequent flier miles, find the best hotel rates, and splurge sparingly.
14. Seeking Quality Over Quantity
You might check price tags when you shop and leave things over a certain number on the rack since you can get multiple items for the same price on a site like Shein. The fact of the matter is, those Shein shirts aren't as good of quality as those pricier items you left behind.
15. Home Gardening
Why waste money on produce at the grocery store when you can grow your own? Not every rich person has their own personal gardener on their payroll either — some do it themselves.
16. Doing Things DIY-Style
The allure of DIY knows no bounds. Even rich people like to tackle DIY projects.
17. Avoiding Lifestyle Inflation
Coming into more money doesn't have to be a green light for increasing your spending just because you can. Resist the urge.
18. Living in a Modest Home
Sure, this isn't true for every rich person, but not everyone who has a ton of money lives in a mansion. Admittedly, rich folks do have a different definition of "modest" than the average person.
19. Not Giving In to the Latest Tech
The super-rich might not be as tech-obsessed as you'd think, and many of them resist the urge to upgrade their phones every time a new model rolls out.
20. Negotiating Everything
Talking someone down on the price of a car, house, or another purchase is not beneath rich people. They will negotiate with the best of 'em to get the best deals.
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