You bought that metal detector for a reason, and you’re sick of people telling you that you’re not gonna find anything with it. Well, we’re on your side: There are countless random treasures in this world for you to find. Just ask these Redditors.
Fitbits, Swords, and Other Cool Things Redditors Found Using a Metal Detector

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An iPhone Coffin
People bury their phones now? What a time to be alive. Not for the phone, though.
Thousands of Green Army Men
Raise your hand if you always think of “Toy Story” when you see these.
A Trove of Relics
Did you read that to the tune of “Twelve Days of Christmas?” I sure did.
A Fitness Tracker
This will make for a really great response to the inevitable onslaught of, “Oh, when did you get a Fitbit?” questions.
War Antiquities
Remember the person who found the dead body? The same person also found these cannonballs. Some people get all the luck.
A 10-Year Lost Necklace
I lose things constantly – I think I need to hire this person.