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It's All An Act.

While there are folks out there who have done well for themselves and ended up with the kinds of financial portfolios where they can afford the plastic surgery outings, the frequent European vacations, and the boats that come with the multi-decade-long loan lifecycles, there are also plenty of people that are completely fine with burying themselves in a deep hole of debt that won't see the light for what could be as long as they carelessly walk this wild earth. 

This Reddit thread-inspired piece takes a look at what some of those purchases are. 


Seriously Though, Who Can Afford That?

There are plenty of folks out there that are scraping by on far far less than what it would seem to cost to send certain older loved ones to proper eldercare. Seriously, $300 is insane. 


It Sure Would Be Nice.

To be able to pretend that you're one of those nauseatingly rich families that have been featured in the critically acclaimed show "The White Lotus" would certainly be fun. Sitting poolside for days on end, whilst stuffing yourself with fancy fruits and appetizers that cost what plenty of folks pay for rent (for a few months) in remote areas of places like Italy, while couples have bored themselves with all of their money to such an extent that the whole hotel campus turns into its own kind of murder mystery would be a trip. A trip to take a hard pass on. 

Related: ‘Piles of Crap All Over’: Redditors Reveal What It’s Like To Work for the ‘Super Wealthy’


A Boat Can Sink You Financially.

Boats have long since had a widespread reputation for being a particularly risky, if not downright destructive purchase/investment to make. If you know anyone with a boat it's not inconceivable that they've done away with caring about that crazy thing called "debt" altogether. 


But They Serve You Free Waters First.

Boarding a flight and taking a quick peek at the various listless faces featured in the first class section of a plane can leave one with a feeling of disillusionment. You'd think there would be uproarious laughter, easy smiles, relaxed shoulders, and the hopeful twinkles in the eyes of the folks that could drop that extra pile of cash on the seats that plenty of people will only ever go in on if they have the sufficient miles to offset the cost. 


The Cost Of A Wedding Can Really Spiral Out Of Control.

While there have got to be plenty of economically sound and non-bank-breaking ways to tie the knot with the one you love, there are also plenty of ill-advised, financially hard-hitting ways to get married that will leave you clamoring to keep everything together. 


Maybe They're Tuned Into A Great Deal.

Either they have coworkers that have made some great investments, or they simply haven't explored nearby enough to hunt down one of those clutch cheap lunch special spots

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To Buy A Home In This Day And Age Is Quite The Feat.

You're absolutely not alone if you've either glumly or completely contentedly resigned yourself to a reality in which you'll never have the means to own a home. People keep making more people, and as we all continue to fill up this planet, the homes that certain folks can afford (or bury themselves in debt to live in) wouldn't seem to be going down in costs anytime soon. 

Related: Here's How Much Space $400,000 Can Get You in These Major Cities


It Really Shouldn't Be Like That.

You'd just hope that something like daycare wouldn't be financially out of reach for the people that really need the added means to have their kids adequately supervised while chasing their next paychecks and aiming to keep everything afloat, but alas, it wouldn't seem to be the case. 


Maybe They've Found The Tattoo Parlor With The Best Deals.

Tattoos can be a powerful way to express yourself without having/trying to do so vocally. A way to tell a story really. Unfortunately, telling that story through a tattoo isn't cheap at all sometimes. 


This Actually Makes Sense.

Okay, it really isn't a surprise that plastic surgery would find its way onto a list that's devoted toward getting worked up over people's more impulsive and lavish purchases. 


Best Opt For The At-Home Playlist Or Concert On TV Then.

While not always the case, there are many concerts out there that can leave the most dedicated of fans deflated and defeated over their aggressive price points. 


So There Are Cheap Lip Fillers Then.

Did not expect someone to drop in on the follow-up comment with intel on an economically agreeable lip filler investment scenario. 


Those Little Gremlins Can Run One A Pretty Penny.

It's not their fault. It's just what seems to be an inevitable part about being a gradually sprouting human being. 


Just A Tad Bit Of A Wild Investment.

Wow, the fact that some of those UTVs are pushing $20-40K is a troubling "feat" in and of its own right. 


Ordering Food Is Definitely A "Treat Yourself" Moment.

Even with the promos the reality is that ordering food through different food delivery apps can end up costing half of what you might've even spent on your groceries for the week. 
