Cheapism / Reddit

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Cheapism / Reddit

Size Matters

Remember when Chipotle was the darling of the fast food world? People were enamored with it because the burritos were the size of small babies. The chain could seemingly do no wrong. Now, the luster has worn off entirely, and people a fed up with high prices and tiny portion sizes.

Social media is filled with users airing their grievances about Chipotle's food along with photos of itty bitty burritos and half-filled bowls. They've also taken to filming Chipotle workers as they assemble their order, claiming that it results in a larger portion (and some animosity, unsurprisingly). It's so prevalent that even a Wells Fargo restaurant analyst did an investigative study to determine just what's going on with burrito sizes at the chain. The results were that the weight of the same burrito ordered from different locations varied wildly.

Chipotle claims that portion sizes haven't changed, but we're not buying it. At the very least, ordering from Chipotle is a total gamble now. Here are ridiculous photos that Chipotle customers uploaded to Reddit's r/Chipotle forum that prove it. 

u/ConstructionApart86 / via

1. "How?"

"Mobile order for steak, rice, black beans, fajitas, lettuce, sour cream and two scoops of hot salsa…and push everything to the left side." — u/ConstructionApart86

"Looks like the someone stole half ur bowl." — u/Living_Sugar3209

u/clocks738 / via

2. "Can’t even fill the bowl. $17.50"

"Honestly, I don't understand why they haven't reduced the bowl size to provide the illusion of full bowls." — u/ProSkepticism

"Looks more like a cup lol" — u/Unusual_Plan_2948

u/svtjer / via

3. "They serious with this bs?"

"Order through the app. First time getting ultra skimped." — u/svtjer

"A sprinkling of lettuce." — u/terk0iz

u/wonton_sean / via

4. "Count your days Chipotle"

"Honestly, this is probably my last chipotle order ever." — u/wonton_sean

"I'm shocked people continue to donate their money to Chipotle despite how often this happens." — u/leli_manning

u/Past-Two9273 / via

5. "They played me lol"

"$1 frozen burritos might be larger in size, and probably contain more meat too." — u/Regret-Select

"You got Chipotled bro." — u/AdOpen885

u/varthe / via

6. "£50 worth of food from Chipotle"

"Let's just boycott Chipotle until they get s**** together." — u/HighlyPossible

"All that food would fit in just two bowls 😂😭😭😭" — u/Pavvl___

u/braidedasshair99 / via

7. "My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined."

"Looks like an aluminum gerbil." — u/spacesuitguy

"LMAO thats tough." — u/life_is___

u/BucketRust69 / via

8. "Dawg"

"Lol why aren't you on the news yet? I'd be tossing that bowl across enemy lines." - u/[deleted]

"Dude… I was with Chipotle for 7 years, 1 as a crew member/trainer, 2 as a SM, 1 as a KM, 1 as an AM, and 2 with corporate opening new stores and training GMs/owners… I’d fire every single person in management at that store if I saw a bowl like this sent out. This is just disgraceful." - u/walmart-wizard

u/Unlikely_Beat5011 / via

9. "I actually have small hands too"

"Is that an appetizer burrito you eat before the main meal?" — u/Totally-jag2598

"That’s like 3.5 bites." — u/cravecrave93

u/PsychologicalKnee864 / via

10. "Double steak and rice btw, Paid $25"

"I’ve stopped eating there because I now get less protein when ordering double than I did with a single serving before. Double the price, half the amount." — u/RandomDerpBot

"Lesson learned: do not use online pickup. Look them in the eyes as they try to skimp you." — u/Yallaredorks

u/Mysterious-Dream-862 / via
u/haw-yeet / via

12. "Saddest bowl I have ever received"

"Ordered a bowl for pickup and got this 😭 I straight up thought they forgot the rice when I opened it but no it was there." — u/haw-yeet

"Don't forget the tip." — u/Visible-Arugula1990

u/Crunchyapple666 / via

13. "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined."

"For reference the gel pen is about 4 inches." — u/Crunchyapple666

"At least you have the best pen out there." — u/DatabaseRealistic329

u/KarimFF7 / via

14. "My Chipotle bowls ladies and gentlemen"

"$50 order, these bowls were all untouched upon opening - and they offered me a BOGO coupon once I talked to corporate and showed them these photos." — u/KarimFF7

"I feel like instead of addressing that problem eventually Chipotle will just make the bowls smaller instead give us that small plate illusion." — u/bimjob23

u/Ok_Hat8993 / via

15. "What did I do to hurt you?"

"That'll be $20, you're welcome." — u/Altaloz

"I've had to move on from chipotle. The quality and portions are simply unreasonably bad relative to the soaring price." — u/Probability_Engine

u/HovercraftSilver9379 / via

16. "$23 total."

"Well your first mistake was doing an order. Always go in yourself." — u/Hashim289

"Wrong. The portion sizes haven't changed. The CEO said so it must be true." — u/CheckYourTotem

u/APieceofToast09 / via

17. "Ordered a Bowl on DoorDash to See if the Problem is as Bad as it Seems"

"It’s literally half full." — u/APieceofToast09

"Guess you have to order extra beans, extra cheese, and extra lettuce." — u/ShivanDrgn

u/bnjthyr / via

18. "This was what I got today. Big portions? Thanks for nothing."

"This is crap. I want my money back." — u/bnjthyr

u/DJ_LilSmoke / via

19. "I thought it was just memes"

"This is just criminal at this point." — u/Pavvl___

"They should just start calling it “getting Chipotled” whenever you get skimped." — u/Big_Monkey_77

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