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Nicer Prices

The occasional splurge is a beautiful and necessary part of life, but there are so many temptations out there in this world of ours, eh? It turns out that there are so many ways to get around spending a lot of money on luxuries, as discussed in a recent Reddit thread

Looking for cheap and free substitutes for your favorite splurges? Here are nine big ones.

Boris Jovanovic/istockphoto


There’s nowhere more obvious to start than right here. If you don’t cook very often, you’ll be stunned to learn how much cheaper a homemade meal is than ordering something for delivery. Plus, in the world of third party delivery apps, you’ve got service fees on top of that. Plus tip. Eating at home saves more money than just about anything.



It can wipe out an entire paycheck just keeping up with all the different streaming services that exist these days. The reality is, you can probably cut out most of them. Libraries have DVDs for free, and if you’re really only keeping a streaming service to watch something once or twice a month on it, just rentthe dang thing. You’ll save money and headache.


Gym Memberships

Are you really paying a monthly fee to run on a treadmill? You can run around your block for free. Need your precious dumbbells? You can buy them on Amazon and just keep a pair in the closet. Unless you use incredibly specific equipment every single day you’re working out, you can probably get away with cutting this cost.



Did you know digital libraries work for audiobooks, too? Check out Libby and Hoopla for these as well. The whole digital lending experience is an interesting dynamic. Waiting for somebody to finish an audiobook so you can start it sounds weirdly exciting; first-gen Netflix vibes.



Coffee shops are a tough bill to swallow, and craft coffee shops these days charge nutso prices for coffee ($7 for an iced coffee?) but making your own at home is a different story. Ground coffee is the cheapest, but even K-cups can cost a fraction of what a coffee shop charges.


Water Bottles

What are you still buying water bottles for? They’re expensive and a nightmare for the environment. Stick those in the closet and keep them for an emergency. Now, go get yourself a Brita and, beyond filter replacements, never pay for water at home again.



Naturally, this requires a garden … but if you can grow your own produce, you are in business, baby. Not only will you have the freshest stuff available, but you get to pick it off the vine for the low, low cost of free.

Wilder Shaw / Cheapism


Look, maybe there are some life-changing wines out there for hundreds and hundreds of dollars. If that’s something you’re willing to pay for, you already disagree with my point here, so move along. If not, listen up: Don’t pay more than $20 for a bottle of wine. You just don’t need to. There’s this place called Trader Joe’s. Do you know it? They have so much wine there. So much goodwine there. And it’s all so cheap. Just swing by Trader Joe’s next time you want to impress somebody.