Cheapism / DALL-E 3

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Cheapism / DALL-E 3

The Fur Isn't Flying

Pet ownership can be fun, fulfilling, and downright messy. And while cats are generally a lot lower-maintenance than their canine counterparts, fur-covered clothing and upholstery is usually part of the deal. 

While it's nearly impossible to avoid this "perk" of cat ownership entirely, there are certain cat breeds that don't shed or shed less and that may keep you from tearing your own hair out by losing less of theirs. Here are 21 non-shedding cats to consider if all that loose fur is a deal-breaker.

Minerva Studio/shutterstock

1. Siamese

A Siamese (if you please) is a medium sized breed with bright blue eyes that might pierce your very soul if you aren't careful. These smart cats love to play, need plenty of attention from humans and other pets according to pet-food maker Hill's, and are known to be vocal. Fortunately, Siamese cats are lower maintenance when it comes to grooming, and their short coat is definitely on the lower end of the shedding scale.


2. Russian Blue

The distinctive Russian Blue is a show stopper with its gorgeous gray-blue coloring. This long-lived hypoallergenic cat breed is among the more allergy-friendly picks not just because its dense coat sheds very little, but because Russian Blues produce less of a protein known as Fel-d1 that commonly triggers allergic reactions. Though shy with strangers, the breed is known to be extremely loyal to its owners.

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3. Exotic Shorthair

A picture-perfect Persian will always be a popular pick — except with those who don't want to find its long, luxurious hair all over their clothing and furniture. The Exotic Shorthair might be the perfect squishy-faced stand-in. 

Exotics shed seasonally, but not excessively, and it's easy to keep their shorter coat in fine shape with occasional brushing. Even better, they're laid-back lap cats who make for quiet, good-natured companions.

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4. Sphynx

The Sphynx is a hairless cat breed that is certainly a great candidate for prospective owners who don't want to deal with cat hair. However, that doesn't mean you're completely absolved of grooming: They should be bathed every few weeks to get rid of excess oil, Purina warns. Their imposing appearance belies the fact that the Sphynx is a social, loving lap cat that typically adores people and other pets.

Related: Weird Cat Breeds You Won't Believe


5. Bombay

If pesky exotic-pet laws have prevented you from getting the panther of your dreams, a Bombay cat might be the next best thing. This muscular, golden-eyed cat has a shiny black coat that is so dense it sheds very little. Observant and affectionate, they're also relatively easy-going.

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6. Abyssinian

If you want a cat with a dog-like temperament, the regal-looking Abyssinian is worth considering. They're inquisitive, playful, and love attention from their humans. While their short, thick coat does shed a bit, it's fairly minimal, and they require little in the way of grooming.

Related: 36 Popular Dog Breeds That Don't Shed

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7. Cornish Rex

If a Sphynx started sprouting hair, it might look like a Cornish Rex. Slender and athletic, with big eyes and bigger ears, the Cornish Rex is among the short haired cats that will turn heads. Thankfully, its short, silky, wavy coat sheds little and requires next to no grooming. An energetic cat, the Cornish Rex rarely tires of its owner and will demand attention if it's feeling ignored.

photo by Volchanskiy/Getty Images

8. Bengal

The beautiful Bengal, a "wild cat that pretends to be domesticated," as Hill's says, has an eye-popping spotted coat, an athletic build, and energy to spare, which means they also love to play. Though known for a playful personality, Bengals are still quite loving. Their short hair sheds little, and this is one cat that will keep itself very well-groomed with little human assistance.


9. LaPerm

These aptly named curly haired kitties look a little like they got a perm that didn't quite "take" (and if you came of age in the '80s, you can probably relate). They shed minimally, according to CatTime, especially when owners keep up on brushing. 

These cats also known to be smart and even a little nosy, supervising their owners' actions with keen attention, often from the highest perch in the room (even if that's your head).

Sasa Klepac/Getty Images

10. Peterbald

The Sphynx isn't the only hairless cat in town. Though some Peterbalds do possess very short hair (think peach fuzz), many have none — and that means little to no shedding. A relatively new breed of cat that's popular in Russia, Peterbalds should be bathed like their Sphynx counterparts to prevent oily buildup. In exchange, you'll get a loyal, social, affectionate companion.

Nynke van Holten/Getty Images

11. Ocicat

This eye-catching spotted cat might look wild, but it's a house cat through and through. Its short, smooth coat shouldn't trouble owners with a lot of shedding, especially with the occasional brushing or combing. Smart, friendly, and affectionate, this is a cat that will truly rule the roost, even if it includes dogs.


12. Burmese

Like its close relative, the Siamese, the Burmese has a soft, short coat that doesn't shed a ton. Hill's describes these heavy cats as "very muscular with heavy boning" but notes they're still quite athletic, leaping from perch to perch. The Burmese will stay well-groomed with an occasional brushing, and they love the company of their owners and other pets.

fuiyau yap/istockphoto

13. Japanese Bobtail

Popular in Japan for centuries, the Japanese Bobtail has a soft coat that can come in varying lengths but sheds fairly little. These cats are also distinguished by their short tails and intelligence — they can learn their names and play fetch, for instance — as well as their sweet nature.


14. Birman

If you just can't resist the notion of a cat with longer hair, the striking, blue-eyed Birman would be a good bet for less shedding. A lack of undercoat also helps keep their hair from tangling and matting, though combing can help, too. The social Birmans are known to play nice with other people and pets, making them ideal for busy households.


15. Devon Rex

A small feline with comically big ears, a Devon Rex definitely doesn't look like your typical house cat. Fortunately, they don't shed like the typical house cat, either, and have a very short, curly coat that's actually so fragile it shouldn't be brushed. These high energy smarties love to jump, play, and socialize with their owners and other pets.

Erika Parfenova/istockphoto

16. Oriental Shorthair

Another relative of the Siamese, the intelligent Oriental Shorthair certainly has a distinctive look — one even recently gained fame for resembling Kylo Ren from "Star Wars" — and they have a thin coat that doesn't shed much. They also produce lower levels of the Fel-d1 protein that can trigger those with cat allergies, according to Catological. These cats can be taught tricks and will soak up all the attention you can give them.

Christopher Ames/istockphoto

17. Turkish Van

The Turkish Van has a fluffy, medium-length coat that sheds minimally and is easy to keep in top shape with a weekly brushing. Soft as a cashmere sweater, a Turkish Van is also a standout because it loves something most other cats typically hate: water. Though not much of a lap cat, this breed is a playful entertainer.


18. Singapura

This little-known breed is a tiny dynamo. Among the small cat breeds, adults average only about 6 pounds, but all Singapuras have large, watchful eyes and prominent ears. Their short, light-brown coat sheds little, and they require only occasional brushing. These tiny cats have big, energetic personalities, and like to be in the center of the action.

Parinya Thippayawareewong/istockphoto

19. Korat

A striking breed that originated in Thailand, the Korat has a silver-blue coat that is short, dense, shiny, and sheds little. Because of that, grooming is a simple affair (though tracking down this breed, a rarity in the U.S., may not be). If you do manage to find a Korat, you'll have a loyal lap cat for the long haul.

Anna Volgina/istockphoto

20. Turkish Angora

You might worry that this white fluff ball will leave its hair all over the place, but its oh-so-soft fur (think your favorite angora sweater) has no undercoat and is relatively low on the shedding scale. Brush it weekly to keep it silky. As far as personality goes, the Turkish Angora will keep you on your toes: This mischievous charmer that isn't afraid of getting into a little trouble.


21. Colorpoint Shorthair

What do you get when you mix a typical domestic shorthair with a Siamese? The elegant Colorpoint Shorthair. Sleek and strong, this cat has a short coat that sheds only a little, but it loves a good brushing. It also loves its owners, demanding affection but showing plenty of it in return.