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Cheapism / LPETTET/FatCamera/Stefan Tomic/istockphoto

Puff, Puff, Pass It to the Boomers

When we picture people dazed and confused, surrounded by suspiciously smelling clouds, we typically imagine a Millennial playing video games while licking Hot Cheeto residue off their fingers. In other words, our mental picture of Grandma crocheting in her rocking chair doesn't usually involve her asking Gramps to pass a puff of the green stuff her way. Yet, according to recent reports, there's an increasing number of baby boomers giving marijuana a whirl.


1. How Much Are Boomers Spending on Marijuana?

Boomers are spending around $75 a month on marijuana, according to Verilife, a chain of recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries, which is just $3 less than Millenials are shelling out on a monthly basis for their marijuana. 

Stefan Tomic/istockphoto

3. How Much More Are Boomers Shopping for Cannabis Products?

Individuals aged 65 and older are getting into marijuana at a faster rate than other age groups, according to data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The number of marijuana users in the boomer generation has tripled since 2009, with the number of boomers trying pot reaching 35% in 2021.

Related: I Tried Cannabis-Infused Ice Cream — Here's What Happened


4. Are Men or Women Using Marijuana More?

There's a pretty even split of older marijuana consumers (52.3% female and 47.7% male) according to the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), which was performed under The National Library of Medicine one year before and after the implementation of recreational retail sales in California. 
