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Bot Blunders

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that ChatGPT has been taking the world by storm. The chatbot can conjure up answers, advice, and jokes faster than you can say "artificial intelligence." But as much as ChatGPT can simplify our lives by helping us draft emails, cover letters, and resumes, it's still not perfect. 

Here are seven common pitfalls you'll want to avoid in order to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT. 


Feeding It Ambiguous Prompts

One of the most common mistakes people make while using a chatbot is by feeding it vague or ambiguous prompts. To avoid this, be as specific as possible in your questions or requests. The more clarity you provide, the better response you'll receive. For example:

User: "Tell me about famous authors."

ChatGPT's response: "There are many famous authors throughout history. Can you be more specific?"

In this scenario, the user's prompt is vague and lacks specificity. ChatGPT recognizes the lack of clarity and requests more specific information to provide a meaningful response. To avoid this mistake, the user can improve the prompt by specifying the genre, time period, or particular authors they are interested in, such as "Can you tell me about influential science fiction authors from the 20th century?" This way, ChatGPT can offer a more relevant and detailed response.

Laurence Dutton/istockphoto

Trusting It Blindly

While ChatGPT provides instant responses from a wealth of information, news, and data it sources from the internet since 2021, it's important not to blindly trust everything it generates. Remember that ChatGPT is still an AI model that can occasionally produce wrong or unreliable information. To avoid this pitfall, cross-check the responses it gives with other reliable sources to verify the accuracy of the information provided. 

Laurence Dutton/istockphoto

Overreliance on It

While ChatGPT is a valuable tool that can help simplify our everyday lives — like writing a winning cover letter in seconds or offering tips to save money — overreliance on it can hinder your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Avoid treating ChatGPT as a substitute for your own knowledge or creativity. Instead, use it as a resource to supplement your own ideas and insights. Remember, as brilliant as ChatGPT can be, it is still no replacement for real, human thinking. 

Frank Armstrong/istockphoto

Not Providing Enough Context

ChatGPT performs best when its given clear instructions and context. Failing to provide sufficient background information or omitting important details can lead to incomplete, bizarre, or unsatisfactory responses. To avoid this, take the time to provide relevant context and guidance to help ChatGPT understand your needs better. For example:

User: "What's the weather like?"

ChatGPT's response: "I'm sorry, but I need more information to provide you with the weather. Could you please specify the location you're interested in, like a city or a zip code?"

In this case, the user fails to provide any context or specify the location for which they want to know the weather. Without this information, ChatGPT cannot provide an accurate response. To avoid this, the user can give more detail by adding the location, such as "What's the weather like in New York City today?" This way, ChatGPT can offer a more relevant and precise response based on the specific location.

Related: From Cheap Flights to Financial Advice, Here's How To Save Money With ChatGPT

Midnight Studio/istockphoto

Ignoring Ethical Considerations

Occasionally, ChatGPT may generate content that is inappropriate, biased, or offensive. To avoid this issue, use ChatGPT responsibly to make sure you're guiding it to produce ethical and respectful responses. If you come across answers that you consider to be biased, wrong, or offensive, you can report it to the platform by reaching out to OpenAI's technical support team.

Related: What Is ChatGPT Plus — and Is It Worth It?


Giving It Prompts With Typos

While ChatGPT can handle minor typos and slang, it's recommended to use proper grammar and spelling to help it yield the most accurate and clear results. Failing to watch out for typos or errors can lead the chatbot to produce mistakes or result in inaccurate or nonsensical responses. 

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Relying Solely on the First Response

Another common mistake to steer clear of is relying solely on the first response provided by ChatGPT. While the initial answer may be helpful, you can ask ChatGPT to generate multiple responses until you're satisfied with a result. To make the most of ChatGPT's capabilities, take the time to explore the various responses it offers to gain a more diverse range of answers and insights.