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Flown the Coop

In the old days, going to the airport was a breeze. It was fun. It was convenient. Not anymore. Now, taking a flight is generally a miserable experience if you’re not super, super rich. 

Curious as to how good things used to be? Take a look at these nine airline perks that are no longer around.

Airplane Food by Tiia Monto (CC BY-SA)

1. Good Food

Not only did airlines once serve food on every flight, they used to serve goodfood on every flight. We’re talking freshly carved meats, free-flowing Champagne, and actual dishes. These days, you’re lucky if you get any food at all.

r/jellymouthsman via

2. Sleep Areas

In the ’50s, some planes had actualbeds. These were the good-old days, and you could just unfold a big, flat bed from your seat — or, on more luxurious flights, get some shut-eye in the sleeping cabin.


3. Blankets

I can’t remember the last time I was on a plane that had blankets. They used to be waiting for you on your seat. These days, they’ve all but vanished.

r/wilymon via

4. Smoking

Thankfully, this isn’t something non-smokers have to deal with anymore, but you used to be able to smoke cigarettes on planes. The bans started in 1988, but believe it or not, it wasn’t until 2000 that smoking was fully banned from all flights.


5. Leaving the Plane Right After It Lands

Imagine, if you will, a world in which a plane lands and then you just ... exit. No waiting an uncertain amount of time to drive in circles around the tarmac or for the crew to open the door. Since planes used to let people out on the runway, the process used to be so easy. Ah, to go back in time.

r/GuacamoleFanatic via

6. Plenty of Legroom

Flying really used to be a pleasant thing to do, not the uncomfortable mess it is today. We used to actually be able to fit on the damn plane: In the ’50s and ’60s, there was about 3 to 6 inches more legroom on flights.

Yaroslav Astakhov/istockphoto

7. Wing Pins

Remember being a kid and wanting to go see the pilot? Well, not only do most airlines not let that happen anymore, they also don’t carry those little wing pins to give to any little future pilots who want to see the cockpit.


8. Seat Selection

Nowadays, you either have to pay a premium or game the system in order to get the seat you want. It’s even harder to buy more than one seat together if you’re flying with somebody. Upcharging for the most basic essentials of flying is infuriating.

r/kraven420 via

9. Dress Code

This sounds more like a punishment to be honest, but in the late ’70s and early ’80s, people really dressed up for the airport. This was often because passengers would step off the plane and into a business meeting, but it wasn’t uncommon for every man on a flight to be in a three-piece suit. I’m a hoodie and jeans kinda guy, so that sounds like torture.

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